Thursday, August 31, 2006

Grade School Weather Activity

Kindergarten Lesson Plan



Evaluation/ Assignment


Teacher Behavior

Student Behavior

Given the visual input of a marker board calendar students will be able to recite in unison and recall individually, the month , the days of the week and the current date.

Given weather data from previous days and new information obtained by the students. Students will able to discuss collectively the results of their observations and maintain a graphic depiction of that weather information.

Given a verbal command to throw a beanbag on a specific letter, number, or concept the student will be able to throw it on the correct place on the floor or rug showing their understanding of the verbal command and the said concept.

Giving verbal queues, posing questions and providing feedback.

Provide verbal input, direction, guidance and facilitating the collective negotiation of the class about the information indicated by the graph.

Gather students to game area and explain rules encourage students to complement one another when getting one right. Give feedback.

Students will be expected to share their answers verbally while the others listen attentively. Also individual students will be asked to come forward and mark off the current date on the calendar.

Student will collectively verbally negotiate and decide if the student picking and placing the weather icon correctly. Then the class will decide democratically how many days of each weather element have occurred in the current month.

Students stand on either side of game board surface and take turns at throwing beanbags as instructed by teachers. Their answers will indicated by the placement of their beanbags.

Successful student interpretation assessed by appropriate verbal responses

Individual will select the correct weather icon for that day and place it in the right column on the graph. Class will establish how many sunny, rainy, cloudy days have occurred during current month

Correct responses and encouragement of others in the class

Markerboard calendar and marker.

Velcro weather board graph and Velcro weather icons (i.e. Cloud, rain, sun)

Rug or floor with target numbers letters and or concepts depicted on them.