Thursday, August 31, 2006




The sum of my experiences and the philosophy and expertise that has resulted from them have prepared me well for a successful career in teaching. After graduating from high school, my relevant experiences have included: An exchange year in Germany, work and successes with the physically and developmentally disabled, four years as an active member of the special education department at the Bethlehem High and Middle Schools, participation in a choir that traveled to The Czech Republic and Russia in 1990, and hands on experiences as both a pre-service teacher and a faculty member at Guilderland Middle and High Schools. Additionally, I have had numerous work and academic successes while working as part of a team through employment at Living Resources, Residential Opportunities Inc., Bethlehem Central and Guilderland Central School Districts. Also, I am currently living abroad and studying at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität in Mainz, Germany where I will complete my Master's Degree through the Middlebury College German Language School.

Through these experiences I have gained expertise in communicating with and respecting all kinds of people. Also I have obtained an awareness of the physical, social, and emotional needs and concerns of secondary aged children and their parents. My patience and hard-won problem solving abilities have served me well as I have embarked on my education career. My ability in and passion for the German Language and culture have undoubtedly helped me effectively transfer the skills that my students need.

The foundation of my teaching philosophy is rooted in my life experience thus far resulting in three beliefs which are especially important to me: first, that all children can learn; second, that understanding foreign language and culture is important; and third, that in order to become an expert teacher one must always remain a learner her or himself. My goals are to set a good example for students, provide a comfortable atmosphere in which my students can learn, provide students with academic/life coping skills, and to be an actively involved and supportive member of the faculty at the school in which I become employed. Also, I do everything in my power to aid my students as they pursue new learning and ensure that all students have access to the tools for success.

Above is a photo of me with the German Embassador to the U.S., Wolfgang Ischinger. (2005)

Here I am in the ARD Berlin Radio Studios doing voiceover work for a news story in German.

Since starting my teaching career I have discovered some key elements that keep my classroom running smoothly on a day-to-day basis. That list or my "Philosophy in a Nutshell" is what follows:

1. Keep it real (be yourself)
2. Keep it fair and be firm (consistent)
3. Keep it positive
4. Keep it simple (clear directions)
5. Repetition is the mother of all skill.
6. Keep it fresh (switch it up)
7. Be realistic but expect great things.
8. We can learn from one another.
9. Respect one another "There is no such thing as "I was just joking" in our classroom. 10.Teachers make mistakes too
11. Keep charging after all your goals and dreams.