Thursday, August 31, 2006

Block Plan and Lessons

The following was a block plan created for seventh grade students in their second year of German language instruction. Students range in age from 11 to 13. It is a coeducational public suburban middle school and the children are heterogeneously grouped. The Chapter I am going to teach is a chapter entitled "Pläne Machen" (Making Plans). Broadly the chapter addresses the following; strategies to open up a cconversation how to tell time/ 24 hour clock; How to talk about when you do things; making plans; ordering food and beverages; talking about how something tastes; paying a check. In my block plan I will focus on telling time using time phrases. Besides the free time activities introduced in the chapter I will provide the students additional vocabulary so that they can better express their own interest in the target language.

Objectives for the week:
Objective #1 Content:
Students will be able to start a conversation by asking how someone is and then responding appropriately ( i.e. with a positive, neutral or negative response).
Behavior Every morning during the warm-up students will greet one another one at a time using various conversation openers and appropriate responses.
Objective #2 Content: Students will be able to recognize and express informal means of telling time in the target language.
Behavior: Using paper plate clocks, the students will indicate that they understand the times being orally said. In homework, tests and group activities they will show their abilities to express and comprehend the time both in written and oral form.
Objective # 3 Content: Students will be able to recognize a minimum of 6 places German students like to go during their free time and what activities they engage in when they get there.
Behavior: Students will demonstrate through TPR their comprehension of the new vocabulary Also, in matching games and exercises they will be able to match up the destinations with some activities that correspond.

*Objectives: seeing if students can still express formal time. Brief introduction of time expressions Reviewing positive negative and neutral conversation openers.
*Warm Up: (10 min) Introduce and discuss word of the day. Reviewing appropriate greetings/ conversation openers. Have three students volunteer to record the possible responses in three separate lists; positive neutral and negative. At the end of the activity, have students get the examples in their notebooks.
*Modeling: (12 min) With large clock at the front of the classroom demonstrate times and students to say the formal times aloud in German. Pass out paper plate clocks and check for understanding by verbally giving times and checking their responses. Remind students of the use of the 24-hour clock for official time telling in Germany.
*Introduce: (5 min) New informal ways of expressing time. Using before, after and half till.
*Practice: (8 min.) Say times using the informal expressions and see if the students can indicate the times correctly on their paper plate clocks.
*Closure: (5 min.) Game: Time Tic Tac Toe. Divide class into two teams (in lines ) X's and O's. Put a tick tac toe board on the board with various times written digitally in the boxes of the tic tac toe board. Take turns and with a student say the time correctly either formally or informally they get the space. Have a student summarize the main points of the lesson for the class and be sure that all understand the homework.
*Homework: Copy new vocabulary alphabetically into notebook.
To continue working on informal expressions of time and conversation openers.
*Before class: As students filter into classroom informally survey them about their favorite T.V. shows and what time they are on.
*Warm up: (5 min) Introduce and discuss word of the day. More practice of conversation openers with review of other recent vocabulary interspersed. Wrapping it up with asking "Wie viel Uhr ist es?" (What time is it?)
*Introduce: (10 min.) Ways of asking the time in German. Wie viel Uhr ist es? Wie spät ist es? (both what time is it?) And "Um wieviel Uhr?"(At what time?) Show them also the construction to answer these questions ("Es is..."It is... "and "Um...Uhr" "At ... O'clock"). Also introduce Mittag and Mitternacht (noon and midnight) Have students write all these expressions in their notebooks. Also practice some exchanges using these expressions.
*Practice: (8 min.) With the paper plate clocks. Ask questions of the students such as "What time does school start? What time do you have German? What time do you have Lunch? What time does school end?" Have the students respond both verbally in German and with the clocks.
*Housekeeping: (5 min.) Check for homework and go over it.
*Write: (4 min.) The names of the TV shows on the board. And ask in German what time that particular show comes on T.V.
*Closure: (8 min.) To practice writing numbers for the homework assignment break class into teams and have them stand in rows in front of the board show them a number from 1-24 on a card and a member from each team has to write out the number in German (with correct spelling). The first team member to finish writing it correctly wins a point for their team. After the game, have a student veverbally recount for the class what they learned today and what activities took place.
*Homework: Pg. 46+47 from Komm Mit I grammar book.
*Warm Up: (8min.) Introduce and discuss word of the day. Have students greet one another and throw beanie baby to each person they greet and then that person must respond appropriately and ask someone else how they are today. Then follow up with the Stimmt(right) Stimmt nicht(wrong) Game. This is a listening activity. I will go through the typical school day verbally in German and list off true and false times for when they start school, have lunch, German etc.. Students indicate whether my statements are true or false by indicating thumbs up for true and thumbs down for false. Ask a student "wie viel Uhr ist es?" (What time is it?)
*Practice: (8 min.) Pass out paper plate clocks and review different times using both formal and informal ways of saying time. Verbally say the time, then check to see if students have indicated correct time. Show your clock to the class after all have shown theirs to you.
*Buddy Clock: (5 min.) Have students take out their "Buddy Clocks" (A sheet of paper they keep in their notebooks with a clock with names of other students on the different hours.) Ask the students to pair up with their 8 o'clock partners. Have one partner ask the other how they are ( in target language) Have the second partner respond. Then have the firs partner ask the other what time it is. Then have them ask teir buddy what time they have English. In between each exchange, stop the groups and ask a student how thier partner responded during the exchange (correct and provide further modeling where necessary).
*Housekeeping: (3 min) Check that previous night's homework is complete.
*Ordering game: (15 min.) split up some of the pairs and create groups of three. Explain that now they will have to look at the 3x5 cards I give them and figure out what order they go in going by the times indicated on them. Each set of cards tells the story of a fictional or not so fictional student's day. Some of the names are the"German" names of students in the class. After they have successfully put the cards in order each group will individually present the day of the person whose cards they received. Each student will read at least one card and the others will "act out" the activities described on the cards.
*Homework: Packets with written exercises for practice of writing the time and time expressions. Packet also has practice of writing the time formally and informally. Homework for tonight is the first three pages of the packet. Announce Quiz for Friday on time.
*Closure: (1 min.) Ask a student volunteer to summarize the lesson.
*Warm up:
(5 min.) Introduce and discuss the word of the day. Have students greet on another and throw beanie baby to each person they greet and then the person must respond appropriately and ask someone else how they are today.
*Modeling: (8 min.) Through classical Total Physical Response introduce six new expressions for going to the movies, cafe, downtown, swimming and to a rock concert. Check for understanding by having all students close their eyes and repeat the motions after I say each of the expressions out loud.
*Check previous night's homework: (3 min.)
*Story: (20 min.) I will read aloud from a children's book in the target language about time. The story tells about events in a young German child's life thoughout a typical day. Again I will hand out the paper plate clocks. After each page I will ask everyone to show the time they heard mentioned on their clocks. Also I will ask for a student to summarize what they believe happened on the page before I show the class the accompanying illustration.
*Homework: Studying for quiz and finishing the 4th page to the time packet. Copy new vocabulary into notebook.
*Closure: (4 min.) At the end of the class I will have the students stand up and do the TPR motions I taught them earlier in the class. I will recite the accompanying phrases and they must produce the TPR motion. Then I will ask for a volunteer to summarize the lesson for the other students.
*Warm up
: (5 min.) Introduce and discuss word of the day(manchmal, sometimes). Have students greet on another in target language. Show students your model clock and have them tell you what the times you put o the clock. ( As a quick review before quiz)
*Quiz: (10-15 min.) Give out quiz and recite oral portion for students.
*Check for Homework: while students are taking the quiz. Have them pass it in before passing out the quiz.
*Survey: (10-15 min) Hand out survey worksheet to students and have them get with thier 3 o'clock buddies and complete the survey. The survey asks about what time they do different things during the day. Collect surveys and tell students that on Monday they will be asked about some of the answers their partner gave.
*Game (Flyswatter): (5 min.) Have the vocabulary phrases from the week written on the board. Have the students break into tow teams standing in single file rows in front of the board. Teacher recites vocabulary (in English) and the first team member to swat the appropriate word (in German) gets a point for their team.
*Closure: (1 min.) Have each student tell you one thing they learned this week before you allow them to leave the classroom.

Situation cards for Wednesday's "Ordering Game"
Homework packet (Time): Wednesday and Thursday nights' homework.
3. Quiz and Key: for Friday.
4. Survey (Umfrage): for Friday's activity.
5. Paper plate clocks: Enough for entire class for modeling throughout the week.